RDSA’s viral campaign showcases the many opportunities present within the seven Regional Department regions across South Australia, those being Far North, Yorke and Mid North, Eyre Peninsula, Murraylands, Barossa Gawler Light, Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island & Limestone Coast.

The campaign has launched alongside a regional blueprint created in collaboration with the regional development authorities to outline necessities and priorities across the state.

The Hon Rob Kerin, Executive Chair of RDSA, commented on the blueprint’s benefits to the economy within South Australia, stating that “you will find information on individual regional pages, but you will also see common issues that affect all regions, including regional workforce, migration, housing, water, infrastructure and investment…”.

Additionally, Mr. Kerin indicated the blueprint’s drive to boost regional economic success by highlighting the strengths, priorities and opportunities in each region, further proclaiming that “more people are choosing to spend more time where they want to be, rather than where they think they need to be”.

The plan comes after reports of the lowest unemployment rate since the 90s, further encouraging urban workers to create businesses and support smaller towns with less infrastructure or business opportunities.

The campaign is only the start of the exciting prospects presented to those living in rural towns. It’s absolutely a necessity to the economy and can provide otherwise jobless citizens with financially beneficial job opportunities close to their home.